Friday, June 22, 2012

Doing my thing

Hello, All!  It seems I can't even manage one post a month but things have been very busy around here.  Blogger also has some new settings that I'll have to get used to so bear with me.

I'm home today for my version of a "mental health day" which just means the house has gotten to a point where I can't bear it anymore.  I have been using PTO days every few months to reset the system and it seems to work ok.  I hate doing it but I love the result and I seem better able to relax and enjoy my weekend when I'm not trying to cram in laundry, dishes, mopping, dusting, straightening, etc.  I finished the bathroom down to scrubbing the tub and mopping the floor-two tasks that are often overlooked.

Note the streak free mirror even!  I've been taking flowers from bouquets and cutting them down when they start to wilt.  I can then put them in one of the little glass bottles like the one on the sink and they will last for weeks longer.  I think their stems just wear out after long enough but the flowers are ok if they have closer access to water.  I love seeing them in the morning too.  It's a nice start to the day.

Next up today: the bedroom.  Wish me luck! Note that it looks worse because items were dragged out of the bathroom.  I'll post an "after" in a bit.

IMG_3783 Now to distract you with cuteness! I'm not having all work today. I'm also knitting a sample for my local yarn store, Knitting Temptations. I've just got the collar bind off to do but I tried it on Maegwin a few days ago and it seemed to fit her pretty well. IMG_3780 She had just a little scratch on her nose when we went to my cousin's wedding but she scratched it while on the way home and got all the skin off on the upper area of her nose. We've been keeping it ointmented and bandaged as much as possible to discourage further damage and it seems to be healing well. IMG_3773 See? There it is way better. I really need to remember not to stand sideways in pictures. It makes me look heavy. :p Nope, haven't gained any weight since last you all saw me though I had to take about six months off from the gym (I went but it would be a few weeks then off two weeks, etc) because of back to back sinus infections. I'm back to going three times a week though and hope to build my arms and general muscle tone back up. Stupid sickness and not being able to breathe.

More later!

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